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Health Equity: Internal Audit's Role in Assessing Social Determinants of Health Data Collection and Use

Care Settings & Healthcare Operations
Specialized Knowledge
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM


Bryan Beaudoin
Health Information Management Solution Lead

Health Equity: Internal Audit's Role in Assessing Social Determinants of Health Data Collection and Use

Session Synopsis

Effective collection and use of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) data is increasingly important, not just from a social justice perspective but also a quality of care and strategic planning perspective. This presentation will outline importance of SDoH data use and the regulatory and operational considerations associated with SDoH data collection. The presentation will also provide examples of effective use of SDoH data to improve patient outcomes. Lastly, the presentation will discuss Internal Audit's role in assessing SDoH data collection and what are the hallmarks of an effective SDoH initiative.

