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Rethinking Large Program Implementations - An Updated Approach

Core Audit Skills
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM


Michelle Leatherwood
Audit Director
Kaiser Permanente

Rethinking Large Program Implementations - An Updated Approach

Session Synopsis

Organizations must respond to new disruptions, competitive pressures, models of working and other shifts. Enterprise leaders are asking Internal Audit to help navigate this surge of change by supporting a growing number of transformation projects critical to the organization’s future.

The strategic importance, technical complexity and numerous stakeholders involved in critical transformation projects give rise to numerous challenges that cannot be prevented or resolved through governance alone. To better protect against project failure, some teams are now also assessing what we call the project environment — the broader interpersonal and organizational context in which the project takes place. By using a new framework consisting of surveys, interviews, and impact analyses, this enables Internal Audit to capture candid, timely feedback on project status and sentiment from all stakeholder groups in a scalable way.

