2 Pre Course: Mental Health and Headache: Beyond the Basics for a Practical Approach

Thursday, November 16, 2023
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Arizona Ballroom Salon H-I


Presented by Southern Headache Society


  • 8:00 am - 8:05 am: Introduction
  • 8:05 am - 8:30 am: Hypervigilance, hypersensitivity and migraine: which networks are involved?
  • 8:30 am - 8:55 am: Avoidance Behaviors and Disability: overcoming the fear of pain
  • 8:55 am - 9:20 am: Childhood trauma, PTSD and headache: to ask or not to ask…and then do what?
  • 9:20 am - 9:40 am: Q&A on Talks 1-2-3
  • 9:40 am - 10:05 am: Functional Neurological Disorder and headache: uncharted territory to be explored
  • 10:05 am - 10:30 am: «There’s no access!»: how to guide our patients toward the appropriate resources
  • 10:30 am - 10:50 am: Q&A on Talks 4-5 This session is worth 3.0 CME credits.

  • Speaker

    Agenda Item Image
    Lawrence Robbins
    Robbins Headache Clinic

    Hypervigilance, hypersensitivity and migraine: which networks are involved?

    8:05 AM - 8:30 AM

    Presentation Description

    I will discuss chronic migraine in relationship to visual snow, tinnitus, and hypervigilance.
    Each of the conditions will be described separately regarding clinical and pathophysiological aspects. I will discuss common clinical and pathophysiologic aspects among the conditions. I will also discuss how non-linear dynamics and evolutionary medicine fit in with these syndromes.
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    Todd Smitherman
    University Of Mississippi

    Avoidance Behaviors and Disability: overcoming the fear of pain

    8:30 AM - 8:55 AM

    Presentation Description

    An exclusive focus on reducing headache symptoms can cause providers to overlook the important roles of patient behaviors and functioning. Avoidance can be an adaptive temporary response to pain to allow for rest and recovery, but prolonged and unwarranted avoidance can actually worsen headache over time. This session considers how fear of pain and excessive avoidance of putative headache triggers, stimuli associated with headache, and broad life domains may inadvertently worsen headache and compound disability. Behavioral strategies for reducing avoidance and fear of pain in clinical settings will be reviewed.
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    Amy Grinberg
    VA Connecticut Healthcare System

    Childhood trauma, PTSD and headache: to ask or not to ask…and then do what?

    8:55 AM - 9:20 AM

    Presentation Description

    This talk will focus on the role of trauma in headache, how to assess for trauma history and what to do with this information, and how to conduct neurological exams in a trauma-informed way
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    Elizabeth Leroux
    Brunswick Medical Center

    Functional Neurological Disorder and headache: uncharted territory to be explored

    9:40 AM - 10:05 AM

    Presentation Description

    The field of Functional Neurological disorders is evolving rapidly. Somatic Symptom Disorders are often associated to FND and chronic pain syndromes. This presentation will summarize the current definitions of these terms and investigate their mechanisms, including the Bayesian theory of the predictive brain. These notions will then be linked to headache medicine to suggest concrete applications and treatment approaches.
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    Chaouki Khoury
    South-East Center for Headaches

    «There’s no access!»: how to guide our patients toward the appropriate resources

    10:05 AM - 10:30 AM

    Presentation Description

    Dr. Posen will start the presentation and submit the slides, and then we will have a live discussion followed by Q&A
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    Donald Penzien
    Wake Forest School of Medicine

    «There’s no access!»: how to guide our patients toward the appropriate resources

    10:05 AM - 10:30 AM

    Presentation Description

    Headache patients are often well advised to seek assistance from a therapist, mental health, or social services practitioner for assistance with head pain management and/or for assistance in addressing behavioral, emotional, and/or psychosocial issues. This presentation will address screening and identification of patients who might benefit from such services, empirically validated therapeutic options (especially for head pain management), assisting in making good referrals (including providing a coherent rationale), and establishing collaborative relationships among medical and mental health providers.


    Agenda Item Image
    Carrie Dougherty
    MedStar Georgetown Headache Center
